Waltz into Space

The name you enter on our website will be visible on the site space.vienna.info. On May 31, 2025, this encrypted name will be broadcast into space in combination with a note from The Blue Danube Waltz (a name will be allocated to each note) and/or saved on an audio storage medium.

The e-mail address you provide will be used for the purpose of your participation (and to compile participation statistics) and in order to send e-mails in connection with your participation. You will receive a double-opt-in e-mail when you register. You will also receive a certificate of participation, updates, reminders for live streams, as well as a follow-up report.

Your personal data (e-mail address) will be processed in order to manage your participation in accordance with Article 6(1)(b) General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) regarding performance of a contract. Click here to find out more about data protection and the delivery of e-mails. If you have any questions, please contact datenschutz@wien.info.


Implementation and Execution


Participation is free of charge. Particularly in the event that implementation is not possible for unforeseen technical or organizational reasons, VTB bears no liability for the actual broadcasting of names, for the combination of names and notes, for the storage of names on an audio storage medium and their transportation into space or for implementation of the entire campaign. VTB assumes no liability of any kind (except in case of personal injury, willful intent, or under product liability law).

Concluding Provisions